Sunday, May 22, 2011

I think I might get my BFP tomorrow

So, I'm 13dpo today and my temp hasn't dropped. This has never happened to me before. Every cycle since I began charting, my temp always drops on 11dpo and stays dropped. Not this time though, this time its different. I thought that my ch's were in the wrong place till recently, I played with some of the empty days on my chart to see what other possibilities of an O day there were, and the only one that made sense is exactly where FF placed it. Other than the fact that my temps have been up for 13 days, my boobs have been hurting.the entire 2 weeks! Now, my boobs always hurt when I ovulate but usually midway through my 2ww they stop hurting completely. I'm 13 dpo and they still hurt :)

I really wasn't excited at all about this cycle because of the first big chunk of it being anov not to mention the fact that we bd just 3 days before I O'd. I didn't expect to get pregnant this go around, but right now, I've never felt closer to being pregnant.

I'm trying not to get my hopes up. My temp could always drop tomorrow and I could get af, but that has never happened to me. Every cycle my temp drops days before af and then I have spotting which eventually leads to af. No temp drops and no spotting. Oh dear God could I really be pregnant? I'll be totally shocked, mostly by the fact that we bd 3 days before O. 3 days! I know sperm can live up to 5 in superb conditions, but after all my cycles of trying to bd right on time I can't believe the one time where everything wasn't how I thought it should be I might actually be pregnant.

What a horrible time to not have an hpt's laying around! Ugh I'm dying to know, but I should know soon enough. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow. They are supposed to do a pap/pelvic exam and tell me the results of my blood test as well as do a pregnancy test. My appt isn't till 1 so I guess after I pee when I wake up I'm going to hold it till I can go at the doctors office so I can give them a more concentrated sample lol ugh I'm going nuts!

Also, dh and I had originally planned that when I got my bfp we wouldn't tell our families for a while, just to make sure everything was ok. Well, if I find out tomorrow we may have to change those plans. My little sister is graduating high school Tuesday so we will be visit my family. Dh can't keep a secret, at all. It makes him physically ill lol. The day he proposed he was sick all day! So now if we go up there and I'm Preggo we will have to tell them. Oh goodness.

Well, ill update tomorrow. Wish me luck

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