Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I need a BFP or AF - stop dragging this out!

Ugh! This has by far been the worst cycle I have ever had. I am so over it! Either I need to get a BFP or AF needs to hurry her ass up so I can move on. Not only was it anovulatory and I had to split my charts in half to compensate for it, but it's been the most frustrating cycle ever! My CH's have jumped around so much that it's not even funny. For example, I have solid CH's right now on CD 15, but if I change that temp by .1 (My temp for CD15 is made up because I didn't take it that day - long story short - I HAVE to put a temp in there for my chart to make any sense at all) Anyway, if it's changed by .1 so from 96.66 to 96.67 - my CH's move to CD 17 and their dotted. Now granted, visually speaking I can see how CD17 could be an O day - however, my pre O symptoms started on CD 13 and the peak of those symptoms was on CD15. I didn't have any O symptoms on CD17 other than sore boobs, which i've had every day none stop since CD13. Ugh.

So here is my dilemma, I'm almost positive that I O'd on CD 15. I'm CD 28 today which makes me 13DPO. I should get AF tomorrow. If by some ridiculous chance I did O on CD 17 that would only make me 11DPO. Now, my temps have stayed up - it dipped a little today by like .17. I haven't been cramping, but I've had a fairly constant "ache" since 1am on CD 25. Today when I got up, I've got super light spotting. Nothing is actually coming out, it's just super light brown/pink on the tp when I wipe. The spotting today is the only thing that would make me possibly think that i'm 11DPO and not 13. So this could mean AF is on it's way or i'm miraculously pregnant. I haven't been turning my A/C on so that it wont affect my temps and i'm getting really fed up with sleeping in a hot room. I figured my temp would have dropped the last 3 days, since it usually drops and stays down as of 11DPO - but then again, this cycle is nothing at all like any other cycle I've had.

I'm really just rambling out of frustration. If my temp hasn't dropped tomorrow, i'll be taking my last FRER. 

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