Monday, June 6, 2011


Well, we got quite a bit of work done on the house this weekend. I got DH to go through all of his clothes and separate what he's keeping and bag up the stuff he wasn't. I think he ended up with like 8 bags of clothes to give away lol We've started on the bedroom, going through everything - packing up our non essentials, throwing out trash and such and bagging up shit to take to goodwill. Well, my living room is full of bags and crates and all sorts of shit that I need to haul off to Goodwill. I'd like to do it today, but I feel like death.

You see, we have mold - one of the big reasons for us needing to move out of this hell hole. I know we have mold, because you can smell it. Not in every room, but I'd say we have it in the majority of the house - especially the closet in our bedroom where I spent probably a good hour or more cleaning it out by myself last night..Well after I was done cleaning the closet I hopped in the shower and my nose started bleeding. Lovely. I can't believe how sick i've gotten from cleaning the house. I really should go buy some masks or something because I wont be able to keep cleaning and packing if I'm going to stay sick like this. I can't wait to get out of here! DH is going to put in his 2 weeks notice about mid July and were hoping to begin moving the beginning of August.

In other news, a girl I went to HS with announced her pregnancy on FB today. I'm happy for her, but jealous and envious at the same time. I mean, idk, it just gets to me - mostly because I know her and her husband haven't been trying for very long. Were in month #8. =/

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