Monday, May 23, 2011

Fail. BFN 14DPO No af? Wth!

Ugh I am miserable.

So, DH brought home some Frer's this am, unfortunately I had already peed before I knew that he had bought some hpt's. So, I held it in for 3 hours, peed in a cup, dipped the stick - and waited. Time was up - not even the faintest line. Hell, I didn't even get an indent or an evap line.  I'm pretty confused. My temp dipped just slightly today, but it definitely didn't drop and I definitely haven't gotten my period yet, or even spotting for that matter. My lower uterine (?) area has been a little hmm achey/numb feeling off and on since really late last night but other than that I'm not breaking out or showing any other signs of af.

Well, I went to the doctor today to get my blood work results and also for a pap and pregnancy test. I was scheduled for this stuff weeks ago. I got there, blood work all looked fine. The Doc seemed surprised that I was supposed to have a pap done today (I don't understand why, she's the one that scheduled it after all since I missed my pap with my ob/gyn back in February..) Anyway, she told me that I didn't need to have a pap if it had been a year or less since my last but agreed to do it anyway. I also showed her my chart and the fact that my temps have stayed up for 14 days. She continued to set up for the pap and I had to interrupt her and ask "Aren't you going to do a pregnancy test?" (I didn't tell her I got a BFN this am.) She said she could but that it was probably too early. Wtf. I went to the bathroom, peed in the cup and went back for my exam. She did the pap and said that I had a cyst? I guess she took a sample of it or something but said that it looked normal. She didn't do a pelvic exam though, which I don't think i've ever had a pap without a pelvic? She said I would get a letter in the mail with the results of my exam, but it'll take up to 3 weeks.

I asked her if by chance I'm not pregnant if their is anything I she could recommend to shorten/regulate my cycles - I mean, come on, my cycles usually range from 40-57 days. That makes this whole TTC process much more difficult. She told me that I could try bcp that it might regulate my cycle but also might make it more irregular. Yea, because that's exactly what I need. I brought up that I've read some things about herbal supplements and stuff that could possibly make my cycles a little more regular and all she could tell me was that it couldn't hurt to try. These just weren't the answers I was expecting from my doctor.Then, she told me "You could always get insurance so then you could see a good doctor and maybe get some more answers from them" ....................Also not something I expected hear from my doctor. So basically, I feel like i'm just shit out of luck. I went to the doctor seeking answers, not this BS.

It kind of pisses me off. Ok, it really pisses me off. It's like i'm not being taken seriously because I haven't been TTC for a whole year. Maybe I should have lied and said that I had, maybe then someone would pay attention to me. I think there is something up with my progesterone, I spot every single cycle - but my doctor didn't even catch that. Ugh! FML.

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